速報APP / 教育 / Miter Bend Layout

Miter Bend Layout





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本




Miter Bend Layout(圖1)-速報App

This app is build to Calculate Layout Marking of Miter Bend Flat Pattern. This app is very useful for all working professionals in the Field of Fabrication.

In this app all Dimensions are used in MM to Calculate Marking so please enter your Input Dimensions in MM to get correct solution or correct layout of Miter Bend.

Miter Bend Layout(圖2)-速報App

Currently This app is designed by Considering 24 Nos. of equal Divisions of Plate or Pipe.

This app is used Mean Diameter Method to Calculate layout so you must need to enter Inside Diameter of Pipe and Thickness of Pipe so that app is automatically calculate Mean Diameter and layout Marking Will as per mean Diameter. so marking Should be done on Raw Plate of required size shown in this app.

Miter Bend Layout(圖3)-速報App

please note that Cutting allowance are not included in this app so please add your cutting allowance as per your Requirement.

If you are willing to Do marking on Pipe then make some slight change in your input details as per following:

Miter Bend Layout(圖4)-速報App

Input Inside Diameter = ( Actual inside Diameter + Thickness )

so if you input as per above then system will consider Mean Diameter equals to Outside Diameter of Pipe. and calculate Dimensions accordingly. so Now you can use this layout marking Directly on Pipe Outside Diameter after Dividing to it in equal 24 Nos parts.

Miter Bend Layout(圖5)-速報App